Tag Archives: ISDN bridging

The Bridge to Somewhere

What a pleasant surprise. The other day I was perched on my studio stool watching my Prima LT ISDN box light up with connection indicators, when who in my wondering ears should appear, but Dave Immer.  Mr. ISDN himself.

I was doing a voice over session for BBDO Detroit and hooking up with Ringside Creative who uses Apt-X as their ISDN codec. These two boxes don’t talk to each other and that is where Dave comes in.

Dave has a company called Digifon.  One of the his many services is providing a “bridge” between incompatible ISDN codecs and IP schemes like Source Connect.  Ringside connected with Digifon then Digifon called my box and Dave popped open a mic just to let me know what was going on.

If you are a voice actor wondering about this ISDN thing,  Dave has a website is a go-to source for information. And a very melodious voice.