
Bill’s fascination with voice and recording began at age 10 when he secretly recorded his mother’s conversation with a neighbor on a toy tape machine. When Mom found out, Bill was promptly sent to his room.

“There are privacy issues here,” she shouted through the door. “It’s not nice. And clean up your room while you’re in there.”

From that gleaming start a new fascination was born. Recording the dog, his sisters, himself doing imitations, but always getting permission before hand.  Especially from the dog, who had better lawyers.

In high school Bill thought he might become a professional engineer like his father. Maybe chemical engineering. Some folks have a knack for math. Bill didn’t. Trig and calculus equaled the end of that notion. Like Lawrence Welk backing up Frank Zappa, it just wasn’t going to work.

So instead of following a productive and meaningful career path, Bill fell into radio right out of high school. Sure, he went to college and got that Journalism degree, but it was still really about getting back to the tape recorders and microphones. Real ones this time.

Fast forward in time and Bill is doing voice overs from his private digital studio or your favorite Dallas studio. He’s got the Pro Tools, the Sennheiser 416 among other studio mics, ISDN, Source Connect or can FTP/Email the file type you need from a phone-patch session. The Otari reel-to-reel sits in silent testimoney to the days of yore.

Here’s a link to the demos.

If you need a free audition, call Nancy J at The Campbell Agency 214-522-8991 or Debora at dbTalent 512-292-1030.  Email Bill at billpryce at me.com.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Melanie Haynes

    Hi Bill, Just found your blog and I had to say hi. I think we actually worked together years ago in Dallas. At the time, I was represented by Mary Collins and I think we voiced a narration project together at a studio….just off Central…Jingle something?? I’m a Houston talent, but used to travel quite a bit to Dallas…..before kids. Anyway, I remembered your name (always a good sign) and thought I’d say hello!

    Melanie Haynes

  2. Bill Post author

    Hi Melanie, good to hear from you. Our session may have been at Reel to Reel back when they had a location on Fitzhugh, just off Central. I used to travel down to Houston to do Stan and Lou projects. Lou is a very talented guy.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Bill Pryce

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