Check Out the New VoiceOver Insider

So after a few months hiatus, veteran voice actress Julie Williams has re-launched her venerable newsletter “VoiceOver Insider” in the form of an on-line news magazine.

In it’s former life, you would sign up for her mailing list, and it would be emailed to you in the PDF format once a month. Lots of work, and things could become dated pretty fast.

This new format allows Julie and her editor Gary McFadden to keep the content fresh and since it is built on the WordPress platform, you can comment on some of the articles.

There’s a little something for everyone, whether you are a newbie, or like some of us who started in the reel-to reel days.You know who you are.

There is the “Newbies Corner” with articles written by seasoned pros and a “technical” category for us gadget geeks. There’s a good discussion of how to get studio condenser mic audio into your iPad for auditioning on the go.

Other categories include the all important VO Training and VO Business, but nothing about Feeding Monkeys.

So hats off to Julie and Gary and their guest authors. Well done. I think you too should check it out. Or go read it.

Man Licks Crumbs Off Another Man’s Finger

Love them or hate them it was another swirling circus for Super Bowl TV ads this year. And,  “Yeah, I really liked that ad but don’t ask me what it was for.”

I always find it interesting which ads are remembered and liked by folks versus which spots viewers  actually recall what product or service was being touted.  They are not necessarily the same. We all capture information differently.

Ad Age magazine has it’s annual Nielson report on likability vs. brand recall for this year’s crop of Super Bowl ads here.

Marc Cashman Voice-Over Workshop Coming to Dallas

Photo of Marc Cashman

Marc is an L.A. based voice talent, director, writer and commercial producer. He is coming to Dallas to conduct a workshop the weekend of February 12-13 at CakeMix Recording.

Marc works on both sides of the glass both as a talent and as a producer and has done so for many years. I’m looking forward to what he has to teach us from that point of view.

Oh, and we are going to get a report card at the end of the class.  I wonder whom I’ll  have to show it to and get it signed.  My agents? Does this mean I’ll actually have to pay attention? Crap.

Kidding aside, here’s an email he sent yesterday with details of the class:

There are still a few seats left
in my two intensive 1-day V-O workshops for
Beginners/Intermediates and Advanced/Working pros!
Limit: just ten people for each workshop.
Here’s the info:

“The ‘Cashman Cache’ Commercial V-O Workshop”
Saturday, February 12th, 2011, 10A-6P
at Cakemix Recording

Just four seats left!

Just getting started?
My direction and instruction will kick-start your V-O experience,
laying the strong foundation that every voice actor needs.
If you’re an Intermediate student and have a few V-O courses under your belt,
I’ll help you on your way to achieving solid competence in voice acting,
giving you the tools to diminish or eliminate your weaknesses and maximize your strengths!
With my proven, practical techniques, you’ll learn to:

*Find your signature voice
*Sound conversational
*Size up a script in 60 seconds or less

All with exercises designed to prepare you for the real world of voice-over.
And of course, time will be set aside at the end for Q&A.
You’ll also get the famous “Cashman Cache” V-O Report Card, an X-ray of your abilities,
where you’ll be graded on a 1-10 scale in eight critical V-O categories.

Advanced/Working Pro Master Class:
“Are You As Good As Your Demo?”
Sunday, Feb. 13th, 2011, 10A-6P
at Cakemix Recording

Just three seats left!

Got a bunch of classes under your belt?
Got a V-O demo or ready to make one?
Auditioning and/or working part-time or full-time?
I’ll help you hone your talent and give you the tools and confidence you need
to catapult your performances to the next level and book more V-O jobs!
And if you have a demo, the question will be answered in this humbling workshop:
Are you as good as your demo?
This workshop will be highly individualized, cover multiple genres,
will concentrate on the acting part of voice acting, and will reveal:

* The tricks for great self-direction
*How to submit stand out, winning auditions
*How to discern your target audience instantly
and much, much more.

Plus, the famous “Cashman Cache” V-O Report Card is included.
What do you think your GPA will be?
And there’ll be no wasted time rehearsing in this workshop.
I’ll be sending you your scripts (and tons of materials) ahead of time, before class starts,
so you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.
If you want to experience a fun, challenging, rigorous V-O workshop,
this is the one to mark your calendar in 2011.

But don’t take my word for it.
Read the testimonials in the attachment!
Dozens of my students are currently working full-time in voiceover,

Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks included!
Just $350.
No VISA, AMEX or Paypal or cash–sorry.
Checks, money orders or postal orders fine.
Call or email me to reserve your seat before it’s gone!
And contact me with any questions anytime.
I look forward to seeing you in Dallas!

P.S. If you know of anyone in or near Dallas who’d be interested,
please forward this email!

Marc Cashman

Narrating for Neiman Marcus

Here is a short documentary I narrated for director Margo Weathers on behalf of Neiman Marcus. We recorded at Maximedia in Dallas.

Representing the fashion world,  Margo was very nicely dressed at the session, workaday chic, as you see in a couple of shots of her in the film.

Representing the voice-over world,  I was dressed more like a hobo.

Phat Albert – Documentary about Photographer Albert Watson from Chris Rupert on Vimeo.

The 15 minute full length documentary of Master Photographer, Albert Watson shooting the legendary Neiman Marcus Fall 2010 ‘Art of Fashion’ campaign. The piece is the first ever presentation of Watson on set – with exclusive interviews and insight to all that goes into creating this iconic campaign.

15 Min Version with in-depth interviews of Albert Watson.

Directed by: Margo Weathers
Filmed & Edited by: Chris Rupert
Production by: Stacy Volgwell

See end credits for complete list.

A Check List For Traveling Voice Actors

Like many voice over folks, I have my “traveling voice-over rig.”  Besides the Sennheiser 416,  MicPort Pro, cables, collapsible booth and all,  I have the Source Connect software on the laptop.

Source Connect allows you to connect to another studio that also has the software or to a bridging service that facilitates a hookup to an ISDN equipped studio, all via the Internet tubes.

But here’s the problem. The Internet speed needs to be fast and steady.  Firewalls can be an issue.  All of which is pretty easy to deal with at home, but when traveling, one is often at the mercy of whatever flavor of Internet connection provided by the hotel, (or the WiFi at Aunt Molly’s.)

George Whittam of El Dorado Recording (now VOStudiotech) has a great blog post that provides a check list for the traveling voice actor who uses Source Connect.  George provides bridging services between SC and ISDN and knows first hand the problems you can run in to.

Thanks George, for some really useful information.

A Voiceover Retreat for Men in Las Vegas

We received an email from Stacy Stahl this morning announcing (pun intended) a voice over men only retreat in Las Vegas taught by Marice Tobias. It is set for September 25-26th.  Testosterone levels will be off the charts.

Marice is one of the finest voice over coaches in the business today. She has helped my work tremendously.  Find details  here about the retreat and what to expect.

In this case, what goes on in Las Vegas shouldn’t stay in Vegas. Take it home in your head and in your heart.

A Video Interview About Voice-Over Worth Checking Out

Voice actors Kevin Delaney and Hope Levy have a lively discussion about different types of work available to the voice actor, some we don’t think about very often. You may know Kevin as the Voiceover Ninja and Hope is a busy actress/singer/Mom who is also the brains behind the Voice Actors Network.  If you are just starting out, there is some good information in this fun interview.

(Edited to change Kevin’s link and add Hope’s home page link)